Paralympic star Siegmund Mainka visits Boot Düsseldorf
On 26 January 2025 Olesya Zaglada visited the presentation on inclusive sailing on international fair Boot Düsseldorf #wiralsegeln with participation of paralympic star Siegmund Mainka and Sven Jürgensen which promotes inclusion in sailing sport.

On the picture: Siegmund Mainka with Roman Durda, Olesya Zaglada and Sailing Instructors of People with Disabilities. Source: Facebook profile of Siegmund Mainka https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1BtVwbdB8F/?mibextid=wwXIfr
Siegmund Mainka is successful para-athlete. He has won many badminton titles and took part in the Paralympic Games as a Sailor. He won a gold medal in Beijing in 2008 and a silver medal in London in 2012, also participated in Rio 2016.
The video on inclusive sailing event on German Unity Day 03.10.2024 “Vereint Segel setzen – setting sail together” was shown to the visitors. In this video Siegmund Mainka said: “Inclusive sailing is the best things I have done till now. It allows all people, with and without disability to be included.”

This is one sport where when you are in the boat, the disability loses its relevance.
Manuela Schwiesig, Minister-President of the German Land Mecklenburg Vorpommern said: “The great thing in inclusive sailing is that the persons with and without disabilities are sailing together”.
It was amazing event showing great examples of inclusivity.

On the picture: Olesya Zaglada and Siegmund Mainka.